Monday 5 November 2012

YouTube's Growth - RuesReam

Second Channel could be getting partnership soon, which will of course be a giant step in the right Directon. Halo 4 is coming out tomorrow, so I plan to play and create a lot of videos with it before I start college again on Wednesday.

I was a bit confused as to what the second channel would contain when I first started it. Like anything I do I seem to have an idea that could work and it somehow formulates itself into something crazy... The iRue399 channel initially started off as a Let's Play channel, where I played battlefield three and call of duty Modern Warfare 3, however when I found GTA 5 Videos to be successful I started that...

RuesRealm started off as a Let's Play channel because I wanted to do let's plays and never had chance to do it on iRue399, so I did so. Started off by playing some Spyro 2 Gateway to glimmer, the videos on there went down rather well considering the game came out in 1999, haha. Then... I stopped that and started making videos about Call of Duty again, every  now and then. It's up until now been a channel where I just put stuff that wouldn't normally go anywhere else on the internet. For example I made a video discussing women's rights and how women seem to abuse their ability to claim rights...

As it stands now I want RuesRealm to be a channel were I upload GTA 5 videos, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 videos, as well as Halo 4 videos. Whether it will come to fruition I really don't know yet, it's one of those iffy things that can't really be judged until you're doing it. I had visions of hitting around 1,000 Subscribers in the first year with iRue399, but just under 10 months have gone by and I'm nearly at 2,000... It's quite a large number. Perhaps not when compared to the 100,000 pocket change that TheSyndicateProject or any of the other huge names get, but 2,000 people is ALOT.

So... I mentioned Partnership for RuesRealm. That would mean generating revenue from the channel as well as the ability to add Thumbnails to my videos, which will help the channel grow alot indeed. Also, the chance to livestream may also be available, which will be good because it will mean I won't have to livestream games that aren't GTA related to iRue399's channel. Partnership opens up an entirely different way to play the YouTube game, and I'll be glad if I can get hold of it.

So that's the blog for today.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Controversy and Stuff

The YouTube Process - 28/10/2012

Controversy and Stuff...

Having been in the YouTube Community's gaming scene since it started getting larger back in late 2008, I've seen a lot of change go on, and a lot of channels come and go. Some channels hit the big time and turned into bastards, some were just bastards from the get go... Others were twats from the get go, and turned into really nice people. An example of one of those guys is Wingsofredemption, a Call of Duty Commentator that was full of anger and aggression towards viewers from day one. When he started hitting the big time it was from controversy, his style of video and personality made him a magnet for hate and all kinds of trouble...
The thing is, he changed. When he started he was in a state of self pitty and annoyance, the he found a dream job in the video game industry and loved it, once realizing his mistakes he changed for the better...

The only problem with this is that he's changed too late and his channel's grinding to a stand still... It saddens me to see a good guy and a good channel start to drown itself due to age. Which is exactly why wings is dying out. He's an old channel, it's not what it used to be for him. To be honest, ALL of the huge channels from 3 years ago are dead to the world now. They're still active and alive, it's just there's bigger and newer names around now. Yogscast, ProSyndicate, Dai Ling Ping... They're the huge names now. Sure Hutch is still going on, so's Nanners, but they're not every day front pagers any more.

What I'm trying to say is, times seem to be changing in the YouTube Community and I'm not really liking it... I don't like most of the channels that are around today.. Hutch got married man. I know 3 years isn't long, but it is in the YouTube scene...

Friday 26 October 2012

Homework and Youtube

HomeWork and YouTube... 26/10/2012

So I have a week (nearly two) off of college right now, and I'm looking forward to it I have to admit, there's just a slight problem. I have work/homework and YouTube to fit into this, and it's proving to be a struggle at first.

Work isn't such a big deal, as I sort that out around my assignments. At the moment it's pretty busy. I worked today 9-1, will be again tomorrow from 1-7. Tuesday I'll be on from 5-8 and Wednesday will be half past 12, till 8... Quite the long days. Alright, I admit it isn't tooooo much when you look at it like that, but when you add the next bit onto it, stuff starts to get crazier.
I have around 4 assignments on the go at the same time. I've got this blog going on, which I have to admit I'm not sure if I'm enjoying it tonnes... I have to make "SMART" goals and follow them. Now what the heck are they you may ask? Well they're suppose to be a brilliant approach to life, where you map out your goals and set reasonable deadlines and paths to go down, so that you can win... Not how I work but I've got to keep 3 goals going on. I decided to make them part of YouTube. =P

I've just finished one assignment off, which is cool, but I also have two more plonked on top of me. All about employ-ability and "effective communication." Some of it I find interesting but when you're given a week to do pages and pages of stuff, it can become slightly mad.

So, when you try to fit a weeks worth of assignments that should take a month, around several shifts at work, YouTubing can becoming a tight squeeze. I'll still do it though, you see I was smart. Instead of following "SMART" I decided to take the initiative and make as much of my assignments revolve around YouTube as I possibly can. This Blog is youtube based... The goals are based around Subscriber goals and stuff... The other stuff not so much, but at least I can weave all three things into one nice bundle...

So in terms of YouTube what's happening? Not sure about a live stream this week. =P Videos about GTA 5 of course though! So stay tuned.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Late Night and Job Rant.

The YouTube Process - 22/10/2012

Sunday Live Stream Number 4

Right, last night was a game changer for me. Haha. I'm normally quite late to bed, around 12ish as a rule, especially a week day. That's not because I can't stay awake until the early hours, is just my time schedules don't often allow that kind of stuff to go on... Well, last night I looked out my old Playstation 2 and an old favourite game, Dark Chronicle. I'm not even kidding if it weren't for Spyro... It would be the best game I've ever played. =P

So, you may be wondering where this is going? As I didn't have much to do until around 4:30 today, I decided to crack open a bottle of wine and have some fun. I started the game at around tenish, with half a half pint of wine. I ended at half four in the morning, and had finished the big ol' bottle. It could have served five or six people, but it just... Didn't. =P

So, I started at ten? Must have meant I did a lot of YouTube stuff earlier in the day? Can't says I did to be honest. I live streamed on Sunday as you know, but after the stream I made a video about Crews for GTA 5. I uploaded it at around 7ish on Monday evening, as I was out most of the day doing college work. So the only YouTubing I did yesterday and today was upload a video. :P

People slate YouTuber's for just playing games all day... "Get a proper job" and "contribute to society" crops up every now and then. I think I should lay my cards down right now. Society is bullshit. Government is bullshit. In the UK we've had a Governing body for nearly 300 years I believe, and we've NEVER come to a great agreement that doesn't involve war or other problems. The world is a constant serious place with no fun. Nine to fives are serious jobs, with little fun and a constant "grown up" behavior.

Now to be clear I don't make much money for this and I have a job elsewhere for my income, but should I ever get into a position where I can take it on full time, of course I would. It's fun. It's quite often leisurely and at your own pace. You've not got some arsewipe telling you what to do because he's "the boss." Nope, fuck that. If you want to do the whole liking the governments arse shin dig, then do so, it's just not the life I wish to lead.
I'd strive to be in a passionate job similar to YouTube, even if it wasn't YouTube. I'd be striving to make my own website, I'd be striving to make my own photography studio. I'd be doing everything I can do be an actor, a DJ or whatever... Anything that gets me out of a collar and pays well.

YouTube is that for me. Most of all though, it's the one thing I've found that I'm relatively good at and really, really really enjoy. So... Yeah. =P
Not so much a blog about my channel today, but a rant on a number of things. =P Hope you enjoyed.


Saturday 20 October 2012

An Introduction

 The YouTube Process // 20/10/2012 // An Introduction

The YouTube Process is a Blog about my YouTube Channels, iRue399 and RuesRealm. I've been a YouTuber for over two and a half years, so I've seen the Gaming community rise to it's peak, produced over 450 videos and encountered hundreds of people. I plan to keep a daily blog about what I've been doing throughout the day, writing down any ideas/videos that I've come up with. Just to keep a blog of whatever... This is a college project. Just so you know. ;)

So... Saturday 10th October, what's been going on you ask? I went to work, filled some shelves and scanned some shopping for the elderly, wonderful. Well, considering thought isn't something others can hear, see or understand because it's in your mind, I wasn't necessarily thinking about the supposed "free range eggs" all day long.

As it happens, an idea about a Live Stream dawned on me. As I'm a partner with a gaming company called Machinima, I have the ability to stream video live to my Youtube Channel. It's a way of engaging viewers with the channel and is fun to do. I've done it several times before and I'm starting to get the hang of it, but I think tomorrow I'll do one that's sole purpose is to collect ideas from the community, so that I've got an idea of what they'd like to see in the near future.

Running a YouTube Channel can be taxing from time to time, especially if you're pretty dedicated to it. People say "oh it's just making videos and stuff... How hard can it be?" Trust me, until you've been doing it for ages you think like that. My mind is like this though, if you're not feeling it, you're not spending enough time doing it. If you're PASSIONATE about it, you'll do it no matter how much gets in the way of it. You see, I've noticed it to be much harder to make 7 videos a week over the past few months, what with college and work in the mix. It's hard to find time... I've done it though. I've not failed. Which is why I think doing a Live Stream tomorrow will be good. I can do it, so I will.

In terms of the RuesRealm channel eh? Getting slightly worried about it as it's been relatively inactive for a little while. I should be uploading to it a bit more often than I already am, but it's starting to get a little difficult to do both channels at the same time. iRue399 is a much large channel, so the priority obviously goes to that channel. I think if push comes to shove, I'll have to leave it that way for a little bit.

I'm still waiting for GTA 5 News... Until then, BOTH channels are likely to be pretty quiet.

Well, not much more can be said for today. It was a quiet one, I have to admit. I'll be posting tomorrow after the livestream, so keep on the lookout!
